…is a municipality in the department Côte-d’Or in the Burgundy region.
The village is home of the ruins of the oldest Templar commandry in the Burgundy, probably founded around 1120. In written form the foundation has been documented since 1133. Findings around the church and the remains of the commandry have been brought to life and testify this. The commandry borders the former chapel of the Templars which is party still existing. Today it serves as parish church after some building conversions during the centuries have been made.

The village is located about 19 miles southwest of the Auberive and approximately 15 kilometers north-west of Grancey-le-Château.
Distance to our farm: about 17 km
The church Saint Julien (12th Century) was originally built in Roman style. The choir, typical for chapels of the Templars, is illuminated by three Roman windows and a huge round window. In the 13th and 14th Century several additions and alterations have been made in the Gothic style. Between 1769 and 1775 the ceiling of the nave were converted into a cross vault. Since 1927 the church has had landmark status.
Inside there are two tombstones: One is a Templar grave with the image of the well-known Templar’s cross and some other symbols. The other one is a grave of the Knights of St. John, showing a knight in armour praying. It is Guillaume de Fougerolles who died on the 13th September 1353. He was commander of the commandry and probably the nephew of Ferri de Fougerolles, Prior of the Champagne.
Unfortunately, the remains of the commandry are ruins but some only just got back their old glamour after extensive restoration work. The square courtyard and the gatehouse can be visited again during a guided tour. Since 2006 the society Les amis de la commanderie de Bure-les-Templiers has been supporting the regeneration and upkeeping of the building. Individual and group tours can be booked all year long upon request.